For the past five years, Sigma Insurance Services has been helping employers get the best deals on healthcare insurance for their employees. We’ll work with you to develop an employee healthcare coverage plan that works within your budget while at the same time providing your employees with some of the best healthcare coverage on the market.

A Wide Range Of Health Insurance Options

Health insurance is one of biggest incentives you can offer your employees. A comprehensive healthcare insurance plan is an excellent way to attract and retain top talent. We offer a wide variety of healthcare plans for employers and their employees to choose from:

Sigma Insure Services


Under a Health Maintenance Organization plan, employees see doctors under contract to the HMO and get treatment in hospitals and clinics approved by the HMO.


With a Preferred Provider Organization plan your insurance company negotiates discounts with hospitals, clinics and healthcare professionals. Your employees choose their doctor from an approved list of physicians, then usually pay a set amount per office visit with the insurance company picking up the rest of the tab.

Health Savings Accounts

These are special tax free savings accounts, set up with through approved financial institutions that allow your employees to save money for medical expenses.

Point of Service Plans

Combining components of both HMOs and PPOs: your employees can select a network approved physician as their primary care provider while retaining the option of going outside the network for their health care needs.

Gap Insurance

A Gap Insurance plan is designed to help your employees deal with the difference, or gap, between what their insurance plan pays and the total cost for their total care.

Affordable Employee Healthcare Insurance

Sigma Insure Services makes it easy for employers to get affordable, quality health insurance for their employees. Our agents have a thorough understanding of today’s healthcare insurance marketplace. Because we’re an independent insurance company we can let you compare plans from several top insurance providers. We’ll provide you with the advice you need to determine which plans best achieve your company’s healthcare benefits plan’s goals. Healthy employees are productive employees.

Sigma Insure Services is a top rated, nationally recognized insurance company, with a well-earned reputation for superior customer service. We’re experts when it comes developing, implementing and managing employees healthcare benefits programs for companies of all types. We specialize in getting the best health insurance coverage for small businesses as well as large ones.

Sigma Insure Services Delivers Superior Service

Contact Sigma Insure Services to find out how we can get your employees the affordable health care insurance coverage they deserve at prices you both can afford.

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